Grades 7 & 8
In preparation for high school, students are provided with a structured and dynamic learning environment that stresses academic achievement, organization, problem solving, and critical thinking skills.
Teachers encourage students to become independent, creative, and enthusiastic learners who begin to see themselves as global citizens.
Through integrated projects, community outreach, and leadership development, our senior students have increased opportunities for responsibility within our community. They become role models of our Standing for Character values and code of conduct for younger students. The curriculum comprises the following interdisciplinary subject areas: Learning Strategies, Language Arts, Math, Science, French, Social Studies, Vocal Music, Drama, Visual Art, Physical Education, Health, and Technology & Innovation.
In Grades 7 and 8 the volume of homework, as well as the number of tests and quizzes, is increased and students practice writing longer essay-like pieces. Teachers work together to coordinate homework, to ensure that demands on students are balanced. Grade 7 and 8 students have access to study hall, and if students need extra help, teachers make themselves readily available by request before or after school, or at recess.
As you begin to think about high school, Montcrest also offers a great deal of support to help you navigate the application process. We host a Life After Montcrest event for our Grade 7 families that provides much of the information that you will need. Middle School faculty are available for meetings to discuss your child’s unique needs and to write letters of recommendation. Our school leadership team will also conduct a mock interview with your child to prepare them for the high school admission process.